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Location: San Francisco, Northern Cali

GYPSY: (noun) One inclined to a nomadic, unconventional way of life. The first time I traveled alone I was 4. My mom pinned a note to my dress then put me on a plane from Atlanta to L.A. to visit my dad for the summer. That must have marked the beginning of my insatiable wanderlust because I can't seem to get enough of running away from home. In the mean time, I've spent my life between a career in the media and years in the hospitality industry. My independence has kept me single but that's a part of life when your first love is travel. I've been robbed in Australia and slept on a park bench in Amsterdam, but at the end of the day, I was on the road and that's where I'm most at home.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Down the Hill

Sometimes, you can find adventure right in your back yard. When you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, your back yard is overflowing with city life, mountain retreats and everything in-between. This weekend, I'm traveling 15 whole miles from my Berkeley bungalow to the world famous Green Tortoise Hostel on Broadway in San Francisco. My fabulous weekend getaway includes a bunk in an 8-bed dorm, free breakfast, chance meetings with other world travelers and a little down time. Plus, the hostel is located near the famous North Beach district, where strip joints and beatnik bars meet Italian food and Chinatown. I've never had a bad experience at the Tortoise and I recommend it to any adventure traveler who wants to make friends and step off the beaten path. Check out their site at


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