A Gypsy Turns 40

Well, I suppose I can't really call myself a "gypsy" in the purest sense. I mean, sure, I'm pretty restless and god knows I'm addicted to travel, even if it's just a day to the mountains. Sure, I've lived in dozens of places and have the art of moving down to a science. But, at the end of it all, I would have to say that I'm still just an aspiring gypsy. After all, I've been blathering on about traveling around the world since I was 20 and yes, 40 looms in just under a year so dammit! It's time to stop talking and pack up my crap and get outta dodge.
Why have I chickened out so many times? I don't think it's been the chickening-out frankly, just things come up. Usually a boy or a job and usually they are mutually exclusive. This time, they are going to have to live without me. Well, it's not like I have a boyfriend and while I have a fantastic job, it's one that hopefully, luckily, I can come back to. Lucky for me, I can work in a bar, pub, restaurant, hotel, motel, spa, tepee, yert or shack by the sea if need be. I did it when I worked in Montreal and I'm pretty sure I can do it on the road if I have to. Trouble is, I was much younger and the bones didn't creak as much after an eight hour stint hauling ice, pouring beer and putting up with drunks. Oh well.
As 4-0 looms, I keep thinking about friends my age who have kids, families, mortgages, dogs, careers, etc., and wonder what the heck happened to me? It's not like I couldn't really do it, it just hasn't really worked out. I mean I had a pretty lively career in radio, TV, print media, et al. But, well, it's just all dried up. So, without so much as a plant to depend on me, it's time to go out and shake things up. My parents are supportive, worried I'm sure, but happy for me. I honestly think mom is sick of me talking about it and dad, well, dad keeps forgetting that I'm actually doing it. I think he's just in denial. I'll worry about him more than he about me, that's for sure. If I can get this blog thing down, and find some internet cafe's, I'll be in business. Then maybe I can find a job on the travel channel, find Rachael Ray and kick her ass. Just kidding, I don't even watch her show. I just want hers.
Enough of the babble. Gotta figure out how to post photos from a remote location....
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