Back in Paris...

Here I sit in an internet cafe, where lo and behold I have managed to procure a keyboard that isn't French! Whoo Hoo! I'm back at the Avenir hotel, in the Monmartre district of Paris, getting my bearings and preparing for 10 crazy days in Ireland. Turns out, Murphy is going crazy because UltanJohn is playing the Electric Picnic and so I may not get to see him after all. Fair enough, I'm so proud of him for getting that gig (he is managing the band now) and the Electric Picnic is Ireland's biggest 3-day music festival. It's a mini-Glastonbury, only more green and little more Irish. No worries, I am sure I can get into some fun in Ireland, although it is expensive, it will be the perfect place to mourn...I mean, celebrate, my impending 40th birthday. I suppose I could have saved money and stayed here on the continent, but the reservations have been made, schedules written down and well, it's Ireland after all. I plan to drink plenty of Guinness, get a tattoo and visit the North, which has been a dream for quite some time.
I have been trying to post the last month and have a slight neck ache from being on the computer for 2 hours, so I think I will have to save Spain updates for Ireland. I know it's better to post as I go, but sometimes, it's better to do than to write. I have notes, memories and of course, Google in a pinch.
I'm leaving tomorrow for Dublin, the airport is WAAAAY out of town so I have to get to bed early and get up early and do things like laundry, grooming,, get tickets ready. I caught up with the Bosnians last night and had a pasta feed while we watched "Law and Order" in French. Sad to say goodbye again, I think I will treat myself to a bowl of French Onion soup, a croque monsieur and a half carafe of red at the Marmitre, a little joint accross from my hotel. Why not, it's my birthday week and I could use a hot meal as it has been raining for 6 days now.
***Quick note, I am in the internet cafe/call center and this haitian woman is screaming at someone at the other end of her phone call...very irritating...yet interesting.*** Wait, there is another one doing the same thing so I guess they are like Russians and Italians, they just "yell" to get their point accross.***
I have to report that I did a minor...well I was gutted so I will have to say "major" travel rookie screw up. I wanted to fly from Dublin to Munich so I could catch the bus going to Venice but I didn't look hard enough and ended up booking a cheap flight to Salzburg, so I have to catch the bus there and go on stand-by, get to Munich...thus losing my deposits on all accomodations and rebooking...then off to Venice around mid-September. Alas, Airlingus flies right to Munich the day I need, for cheap and I am screwed. Lesson learned, never give-up because flights are cheap! Crap, oh well. I'm off to check train times to Beauvais Airport, transfer my ever-dwindling funds to accounts and well, have that precious bowl of French love. Will try to post in Dublin, will cost an arm and a leg, but since I will be there for a few days, I will have plenty of time. LATERS!
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