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Location: San Francisco, Northern Cali

GYPSY: (noun) One inclined to a nomadic, unconventional way of life. The first time I traveled alone I was 4. My mom pinned a note to my dress then put me on a plane from Atlanta to L.A. to visit my dad for the summer. That must have marked the beginning of my insatiable wanderlust because I can't seem to get enough of running away from home. In the mean time, I've spent my life between a career in the media and years in the hospitality industry. My independence has kept me single but that's a part of life when your first love is travel. I've been robbed in Australia and slept on a park bench in Amsterdam, but at the end of the day, I was on the road and that's where I'm most at home.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Going Mental

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................................Okay, I'm never going to gripe about being "too busy" because we all make decisions. I decided to work 6 days a week, to run 5 miles a day and to stick to my type "A-minus" personality. Me, all by myself. So, if I am tired or going crazy I have no one to hold responsible but myself. That said, I only have 41 more days until The Burn and in the big picture, it ain't that long. I have such an incredibly challenging week ahead of me, well, in my own mind, one that doesn't stop! I feel like I'm in finals everyday and it's a far cry from this time last year when I was trippin' down the road in the Tiergarten in Berlin, dancing to 50 trucks blasting electronica at the Love only responsibility was getting home...which I think I couldn't even manage. I can't wait to get back to that lifestyle! And, if I decide to come back and work again (of course so that I can travel...) then, i will be much better at it, as now I have the formula down!

(These images are of the Love Parade...random party-goers, the 3 Dutch guys I hung around with, Rolfe, my mowhawked cab driver and some gay dude who wanted a pic with me!)

Anyway, work is nuts...and I'm studying Italian in-between shifts which is fun, a lot is coming back to me but it will come flooding back, I'm sure, once I land on Italian soil. Speaking of, I am going to look into flight beginning of August, but likely will wait to buy my ticket in Sept, as the travel will be cheaper and I want to fly directly into Venice. I'm planning to leave between October 1 and 4, wish me luck!

For now, I just trudge along, my only thrill coming from random chats with "the beautiful one" and the final Harry Potter book, which is due out next week! The Order of the Phoenix was great, can't wait to see it again~

Ciao...for now.


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