
I don't know why, but lately I'm having mini-anxiety attacks, which seems quite normal for most people in this crazy world, but it's just not my style. I guess I'm just nervous and freaked-out a little that I am running away from home, with very little plan...and I'm giving up the best job I've ever had to do it, which really, job schmob, but still. I've been going to San Francisco a lot lately to sort of practice being in a big city alone, and trying to stay out of the pubs as much as possible, which takes WORK, because of course, the pub, a pint and a good book is my idea of outrageous fun. However, I have to find other things to occupy my time otherwise I'm going to come back after 2 months with liver damage and $3. This photo was taken in November right outside the Elixir Saloon, which is owned and operated by my good friend H. You can visit the website at And, I highly recommend the Sunday Bloody Mary!
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