
So, I wake up this morning to the sounds of my sister begging me to take her to Starbucks for a Frappa-thingie and of course I throw a pillow at her and say no. Then I wonder, should I let her whine in my ear or just get up and do it. Lesson # 1: Never have a teen ager. Just wish them away at 13, then summon them back at 18! Easy! So, I grumble, get out of bed and walk out to my car and lo and behold! Some punk(s) managed to get into my Honda and not only steal my new stereo, but they ripped out my ignition box while they tried to hotwire and steal the car. Stupid Eeeedjit! Why didn't you just take the whole freakin' car! Mind you, my dad lives in suburbia...SO perfectly suburbia that people actually take their Christmas lights down after Christmas. This, next to miles of almond orchards. Lesson # 2: There are punks everywhere...trust no one. Then, said punks opened my trunk and stole: NOT my golf clubs...NOT my Thermarests...NOT my sleeping bags but by bloody 15 year-old baseball cleats! Are you kidding me? Anyway, after I cursed up and down, I called the Triple-A and everything will be taken care of before I leave. Lesson #3: GET TRIPLE A INSURANCE! They were amazingly helpful, and I learned all about my insurance (yes, I know I should have known, but I just said I'm learning lessons!) So, we are getting the rental, they are coming out to look at my car on-site, they will replace my stereo and fix my car, send me $50 for my cleats and all for a paultry $100 deductable. Wow. I thought it was $500, but that is liability, not comprehensive. Thanks to Jennifer and Darrell from AAA, now I am just laughing. After all, it's just a car, I wasn't hurt and I'M NOT EVEN DRIVING UNTIL I COME BACK! Augh. Lesson # 4: No matter where you are, or how crazy things can get, there are lessons in every situation if you just look for them.
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