One of the Lads

Well, in true Gina style I am surrounded by boys while in London and can't remember laughing so much! First Murphy, John, Ultan, Dave, Dan and myself stopped at the Toucan in Covent Garden for a couple pints of Guinness where we proceeded to swap dirty stories and I kept up quite nicely which is hard with this crew. Next off for some Indian food for egg fried rice and a tall Cobra. Now, this is important because the rice was only £2.50 and the beer was £2.50 and so that is a handy £5 meal! The lads were also happy to share which was lovely and thanks to Murphy for picking up the tab...(HE REALLY DOES THAT TOO MUCH) Next, it was to a place called The Hospital where we watched a screening of the movie short "The Beholder." It's really quite good and to view it you can go to Nice job Aidan and Lisa and all who worked on the film. It's going to be screened at Cannes next week. Next we went to a club and listened to Ultan and John serenade the crowd and people let me tell you these guys are really talented musicians and lovely guys and as soon as their website is live I will direct you promptly! Another tidbit about London is that there are PUBS and CLUBS and the PUBS close exactly at 11:00 p.m. and they will literally come up and GRAB the beer from your hand even if you just bought one so save yourself the agony and order up early. Dan managed to find a CLUB so we went for a few more pints and a chin-wag then a cab home for more chatting by the fire and at that point I was so cozy I curled up on a bean bag with a blankie and was serenaded to sleep by UltonJohn and felt like the luckiest girl in the world. It would be like Dave Matthews singing you to sleep. Amazing. They are going to make it big one day and I knew them when they were just singing in the living room! (Trust me, they are going to make it big.) They are back to Ireland today and I am going to meet up with my new Aussie friends and watch Aresenal get their asses kicked over a few pints. Murphy promises me that he will help me with my camera issues tomorrow night so I can post my tales of Scotland with live photos. For now, I'm off for a run and then on the tube for a night in Shepard's Bush!
Gina - I'm glad to find your travelogue. I have been wondering what you have been up to since you were forced out of my morning coffee.
FTR, that station is off my morning options.
Not being much of a traveler, it's been fun reading this and living vicariously. Keep it up!
Diana - aka CatWoman
My goodness! The Lady herself passes through London and leaves her mark on everyone she's met! (Not that I'm surprised by that fact!)
Wonderful to have spent some crazy nights on the town with you again G. I wish you very well for your European trip. Look forward to seeing you in Ireland in September honey.
Tayto x
PS - Keep an eye on the website - It's gonna grow in a HUGE way!
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