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Location: San Francisco, Northern Cali

GYPSY: (noun) One inclined to a nomadic, unconventional way of life. The first time I traveled alone I was 4. My mom pinned a note to my dress then put me on a plane from Atlanta to L.A. to visit my dad for the summer. That must have marked the beginning of my insatiable wanderlust because I can't seem to get enough of running away from home. In the mean time, I've spent my life between a career in the media and years in the hospitality industry. My independence has kept me single but that's a part of life when your first love is travel. I've been robbed in Australia and slept on a park bench in Amsterdam, but at the end of the day, I was on the road and that's where I'm most at home.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

CHOW Madness...

After flying from Orlando, sleeping in the baggage claim department at SFO, taking BART and a cab to Melissas house, hanging with the Nicky and Eryn...Jake and Bosco...laughing with John and having accute insomnia I managed to somehow make it to the annual CHOW Holiday party at Cafe du Nord, in the Castro...San Francisco. Here are the only shots I could manage, other than a couple that came in a shot glass and tasted strangely like Jack Daniels. Thanks to Tony G. for the ride home, and frankly, opening CHOW in the first place! It was great to see everyone, so many new hook-ups I can't even believe it! Really.... Huh, not this girl. My only new hook up with be a and two jobs for the next few months so I can plan my next adventure. Off to Vegas this weekend and then will try to get serious about life next week. LATERS!

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