Bye Bye Little Yellow Bus

Well, I have to admit, I was sorry to see this morning arrive, but alas...time to head back to Edinburgh. Poor Aaron was really injured and couldn't even walk so Pete and Dave carried him to the bus and we propped him up on the back seat while Chloe arranged for the hospital in Inverness. As the final strains of Duncan Blue filled the bus, I said goodbye to Lochness, shed a few tears and promised myself I would come back one day.
We headed to Inverness and had about 2 hours to kill so we all started towards the mall in city center and it gave me the creeps so I ditched the group and headed for the nearst pub. After all, it was Saturday and Scotland were playing Japan in football so I thought I could drum up some fun! Of course, in no time, I find the mandatory mumbling Scotsman with hair growing out the top of his nose, a stag party, and two elderly women in the corner sipping whisky. This was, however, my first run-in with a grooms party of a groom, best mate and 7 year old boydressed in full scottish kilty regalia and of course, I didn't have my fancy new camera so I didn't get a photo but Donna and Nicole showed up and I am going to try and get them to send copies. I said "who's the victim" and it was the kid's dad, on his second marraige. Now, I wonder if you have noticed by now that we are in a pub, on a Saturday and there is a 7 year old in with his dad, who is drinking pint after pint with his best man and about to be married? Well, that's just tradition after all. Don't worry, the kid was drinking orange juice. I sat down with 2 Billy's, a Dave and a Graeme, had a pint, a nip of Whisky and a few laughs. Again, that is why I travel! Sure, Loch Ness is amazing, but this is just local flavor that can't be beat.
We all took naps on the bus and then all of the sudden, there it was...Edinburgh. Ugh. Wow. Mandy and I had agreed to get off the bus and meet for a tattoo, so we were making our plans when Neil and Chloe shout "ready guys?" And all of the sudden, Duncan Blue comes over the stereo at full blast and we are bounding down Prince's Street, screaming "DIGNITY" at the top of our lungs and clapping and crying and laughing and wow. I was overwhelmed to say the least.
We got out, hugged and said goodbye to Neil and Chloe. She was off to Newcastle for a party with friends and Neil was off to Glasgow, where he lives, to reunite with his girl and "get drunk." Crucial for a Scotsman who can't drink for a week because he was driving. (By the way, he is going to Ireland on the 8th of June for 5 days in his girlfriend's new Mini Cooper...yes, an inside joke but hilarious.)
We ran to the tattoo parlor with no luck because they all close at six, so I will have to wait until I go back. We just met for one last pint, then a few of us girls met up in Grass Market to laugh at the Stag's and I ended up meeting a really nice English bloke, who was tired of the Stag thing and wanted to talk about his wife and kid. I bored him with stories of Scotland over a cappucino and called it a night.
The next day, it took me almost 10 hours to get home because of train delays and bus failures, but I did meet some great people in Newcastle at the train station, one sweetie named Sue Hedley who has contacted me so I can visit her the next time I run through! I finally arrived at Murphy's around 8 p.m. Saturday, tried to make sense of my week while he made me some pasta and laughed until we cried. Then, without fail, out of no where...what comes on the T.V? BRAVEHEART! I swear, I can't make this stuff up. Geeze.
Anyway, thanks Chloe and Neil, you are total rockstars! Pete and Spikey, you will see me on a tour, I guarantee you! Manja, maybe I will see you in Germany! Tania and Dave, give it up, you are in love so stop denying it. Donna, Mandy, Nicole, Melissa and Kate "Dark Horse" Doyle, thanks for being great room mates and please send those photos!!!!!!! Aaron, I hope you made it home okay and that your knee is better! Bill, good luck on your travels and thanks for the chicken idea...Roxanne, keep charging little one, stay strong and things will happen, I promise. Tom and Paula, I didn't mind switching seats, I'm glad it made your travel easier. And to everyone, thanks for singing the National Anthem with me. That could have been a real disaster. Please stay in touch guys and send those photos!
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