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Location: San Francisco, Northern Cali

GYPSY: (noun) One inclined to a nomadic, unconventional way of life. The first time I traveled alone I was 4. My mom pinned a note to my dress then put me on a plane from Atlanta to L.A. to visit my dad for the summer. That must have marked the beginning of my insatiable wanderlust because I can't seem to get enough of running away from home. In the mean time, I've spent my life between a career in the media and years in the hospitality industry. My independence has kept me single but that's a part of life when your first love is travel. I've been robbed in Australia and slept on a park bench in Amsterdam, but at the end of the day, I was on the road and that's where I'm most at home.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Chesky Solstice

Happy summer soltice from Prague. Things are a bit more mellow for me now that I am back here in The Czech Republic, back to my little hostel on the hill and back to my favorite new bohemian city. The staff here feel like old friends and treat me like one of the family, which is good because I am going to be here for about 2 more weeks so we don't want them getting too sick of me yet! I've been down for Timo's free hot breakfast every morning, which consists of scrambled eggs, bacon and then all kinds of cereals, tea, juice, etc. So, with the free breakfast, cheap accomodation and beers that go for about 25 Czech Krown, or around $1.80, I can live for about $15.00 a day here. This is good because I needed a place to chill and not spend so I can have fun in Berlin. They, of course, have footy in the town square so each day some crazy group of supporters gather there with face paint, jerseys and flags, singing songs and screaming. Day one I was with a bunch of mad Ukranians who went positively mental when Ukraine beat Saudi Arabia. Yesterday, around 2000 German teen agers sang German songs for 2 hours straight and screamed for literally an hour after Germany beat Equador. Back at the hostel, Tony the Englsh barman from Sheffield nearly popped a blood vessel when Sweden scored in the last minute to take the draw 2-2.

Last night after footy, I went down the street to a place called Club Cross, which used to be a scrapyard but a bunch of artists and musicians got together and created a multi-level space with DJ's, outdoor garden area, dungeons, music rooms and a few bars. The cool thing is that it constantly changes because artists and welders come in a add structures and lighting all the time. It's insane! After a while I met a couple of guys from Bradislava then Alex the ginger-bearded Welsh barman showed up with 4 girls from Finland and 3 Canadian guys so we had a good laugh until I noticed it was about 3 a.m. and decided to try to make the sunrise somewhere. So, I popped up and walked all the way down to the Charles Bridge just in time to watch the sun come up, right next to a perfect crescent moon. I was the only one on the street, except for the occasional night tram that would whizz by, full of weary and bleary-eyed passengers. Just as I looked down to notice the time, my watch read a perfect "4:20" and so it goes that at 420 on summer soltice, I watched the sun come up over the Charles Bridge in Prague and that is one more little item I could never find in a gift shop.

Tonight I am going to make it a perfect circle by climbing up the Prague Castle hill to the observation tower and watch the sunset. After that, who knows. Probably more footy, more town square and more beer. BUT NO MORE ABSYNTHE! (Stupid Alex and his stupid A-Bombs!) Every night, here in the underground bar, Alex lines up these little creatures called A-Bombs which consist of Absynthe and Red Bull. You drop the absynthe in the glass of red bull and skull (or chug) the little monster down and then you either have a heart attack or start hallucinating. He got me good last time but I have purposefully been absent during the midnight rendezvous to ensure that I don't run naked through the streets and... to save $4.00. I'm just enjoying watching the effects on other unsuspecting souls.

Will speak more on Prague later, but here is another place I could easily settle. The Czech people are passionate, intelligent and very sensitive. The landscape is amazing, there are castles everywhere, hills, little red roofs and thunder storms each night. It's been about 90 degrees and humid since I came back but I wouldn't be any place else right now. LATERS!


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