Bye Bye Austria

It's is with great regret that I have to leave Austria! Heather and Kris Peterson with absolutely right when they said that it was heaven on earth! I have thought about those two every day since I arrived and I won't ever forget this wonderful paradise. Who would have thought I would get a sunburn in Vienna! This is also the place where I finally healed, and while I am still a little sore, I can walk with relative ease now and was able to see the city, climb the fortress and once again, venture to the town square and watch Germany beat Poland on the big screen. What a match! The best part of the evening was at the end. I was with my Aussie mates, Richard, Jo, Kate and Lee when right next to us this guy and his wife were freaking out because he got so excited that Germany won, he flung his wedding ring into the bleachers, never to be found again. She was crying, he was shattered and her sister was trying to find the ring. This is when I pulled out my little portable flashlight, which I carry with me everywhere, and we searched for about 15 minutes when lo and behold, we found the ring and I was the heroine of the night! They were so grateful that the offered to take me out for drinks and dinner and I made new friends and that is another experience that you cannot buy in a gift shop! Wow, it was rich I tell you! So, I have to make a confession right now that I was kind of making fun of Katy for buying me a stupid flashlight for my trip, but inside the package was a clip on mini flashlight and Joel told me to take it and it has been a lifeline for me throughout this trip. Thanks guys, sorry for making fun of you little sis. Wish you were here! One day. Anyway, off to Munich...this is a beer town so you might lose me but I will resurface in Prague and then who knows! I heard from Frau Simone Mueller today and she is meeting me in Amsterdam end of July! I can't wait, my first visitor from home! LATERS!
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