First Minor Setback

Well folks, I've had my first little setback of my trip! Turns out that my shoulder is a lot more messed up than I originally thought so I am kind of incapacited at the moment and can't take my long dreamed of bike trip to the sea. I may still be able to do it tomorrow, as the bus to Amsterdam isn't due to arrive until 1 p.m. and bike rentals start at 8, so if I play my cards right and just keep my shoulder rested, I still have hope that it will be fine. See, Andy from Oregon is the son of a pharmacist, so he gave me some pain killers so help ease the stress but it ended up giving me a false sense of security and I just ran around like nothing happened. Now that I am living al fresco, I realized that I should have just gone to the pharmacy and bought a sling, slinged it up and then it would have healed properly. Hey, but live and learn. I would have done the Tango all over again at the top of the Sacre Couer because that is stuff of legend, I just would have rested my shoulder instead of cooking pasta dinners and running up stairs.
Today is a holiday here, something about the march of the blood of Christ. I guess there is supposed to be a bit of cloth from the Crucifixion at the Church here is town. Gran, this will be where I buy your rosary. Then, mom can come over and "borrow" it. He hehehehe. Sorry, inside joke. I will buy you both one! So, I am going to be a good blogger and sit in the town square and take notes and photos and try to blog tomorrow, unless I can take that bike ride. Otherwise, you will all have to wait until Berlin because I am going to get absolutely NOTHING done in Amsterdam. That is a guarantee. LATERS!
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