Be Careful What You Wish For...

After being paranoid and losing sleep all last week about getting screwed at Ottimista, applying for work and not getting called back, and a general preoccupation with my impending state of fiscal emergency, things may be looking up. I decided to take a long walk to the GGB, and meditate on my Montreal experience and turn to what usually helps me through these times of duress: trust the Universe. Seriously, it always provides. Sometimes, of course, it provides heartache, disappointment, fear, doubt, sadness and confusion. This is good. We have to experience this stuff so we appreciate the good times and remember that it's all about balance. I also think that these times of self-doubt HAVE to teach me just the opposite; not to doubt myself. After all, I have overcome a lot and also built a little tiny empire for myself. I am the empress of my destiny. Sure, the DUI has done my head in, but the tough part is almost over and while being on probation blows...seriously can't even jay-walk for 3 years...
I digress....
So, I pulled my head out of my arse last week and printed up a bunch of resume's. Now, I have to start by saying that I went to this new Kuleto property called Epic Roasthouse, per Howie's suggestion, on Friday December 7th to fill out an application.
Then, when I didn't hear back, I started the usual stalking procedures and nothing. Nada. Couldn't pay someone to call me back. I should point out that this operation is a two-restaurant extravaganza at Pier 26, right under the Bay Bridge. It's massive. Well, go to the website and check it out. It looks amazing but one could get lost in the shuffle.
Anyway, no one would call me back. So,back to the day I just threw the spaghetti at the wall and waited for something to stick. And stick it did. I realized then that personally dropping off resume's in a business suit will usually garner a response and that is just what happened. I was promised something from Izzy's Steakhouse right off the bat. Then, Betelnut called me for an interview and Patrick from Palmetto practically begged me to start right that instant. Then, to top it all off, Epic finally called me after almost 2 weeks for an interview that is scheduled for next week. Good Lord, that place is like Disneyland...huge, crazy and I would certainly be a number at best. It is, however, always good to start at a new place because everyone is on an even playing field. That said, I now have a big decision to make: Izzy's, Betelnut...Betelnut or Izzy's or both? Izzy's is only open at night and there will be virtually no training, but they are not on the computer system that I am used to (Aloha) and so it will be a bit of a pain at first. They are crazy busy and I will start making money right away...huge money. The check average per person is around $40 and that is being conservative. Betelnut is slammin' busy, insane. But, I have to wear a goofy outfit and put up with a lot of crap. Apparently the owner is a bit eccentric. If you want to know the truth, I would much prefer to work at Palmetto because we get to wear jeans and black shirts and white aprons and the computer system is Aloha and the people are super cool and there is no side work. It is, however, hit and miss when it comes to being busy. I hear the brunches are real busy.
Anyone in the industry would understand my pickle: I would be knee-deep in condiments at Izzy's and ankle deep in roll-up's at Betel. Sidework always blows and that was one thing about Piatti that I hated. That is corporate though. Ugh.
Still beggars can't be choosers and I need the money and a foray into the SF industry. Now, I have a few forays and need to decide this week. Maybe I should throw a dart at a wall and hope for the best.
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