Cuand Je Abitez Au........

It was about 16 years ago that I was living in Montreal, in a tiny flat on Rue Hutchison...right in the middle of the McGill Ghetto. I was 25 and working at the Bar-B-Barn rib joint, on Rue Guy, right down from the Old Forum. I can't believe it has been so long, but then again, I can't believe I'm 41 and in the exact same boat. (I also can't believe I look so young in this photo...It is my student ID from McGill)
See, once again I am starting over with nothing. It's not as dire as in 1991, when I had $5 Canadian to my name and was eating rice and beans. I had just left Freddy and had no job, no prospects and no friends. But, I had my freedom and the desire to make something of my life in what seemed an impossible situation. Going back to the states with my tail firmly tucked up under my legs, was NOT an option. So, I answered an ad in the Gazette, calling for a parking lot attendant at the Bar-B-Barn, a very popular rib joint that catered to the whole of the city, including all of the visiting hockey players playing the HABS on any given night. Even as the recession rolled-on and affected Quebec and the rest of Canada quite severely, the BBB still managed to pack 'em in day and night and I thought if I could just park cars and make some tips, I could dig myself out of the canyon and be on my way to saving myself from poverty and most of all, shame.
So, early that October morning, I put on my woolies, and headed off to Rue Guy, determined to talk my way into that gig and I wasn't going to take no for an answer.
I arrived first, and as I filled-out my application I noticed the line of other applicants forming. All dudes, they looked like they were applying as security for Celine Dion. Still determined, I waited for the interview and was greeted by none-other than the owner of the place. An English-speaking Jewish man from the East End, he sat down and just looked at me...then the application, then back at me. Yikes, it didn't look good.
"So, are you telling me that you are applying to be a parking lot attendant?"
"Um, yes and I think I am the best one for the job because I will work hard and do what ever-"
"Do you know what it's like to park cars in the snow?"
"Um, well no bu-"
"Do you know what it's like to park cars for angry know fights can break-out over cars!"
"Um, well..."
It wasn't looking good. And just as I was about to slither away and make a plane reservation to get outta Dodge, a miracle happened.
"So, what is your name....Gina?"
"It says here that you have bartending experience. Well, this is your lucky day, do you know why?
"Uh, well I think you are about to tell me."
"This is your lucky day for 2 reasons....One, I like have chutzpah. And two, our bartender just quit 2 days ago and so I am hiring you as a bartender and we are going to find a couple of serving shifts for you because I like you. It took a lot of moxy for you to come here today and try to park cars. So, you can eat for free until you start to make tips and you can wear your uniform for free and we will just take it out of your paycheck. Got it?"
I almost started crying. "My French isn't perfect..."
"Don't worry, I don't speak a word of it. And neither does most of the staff. Just know ribs, chicken, fries, beer. That's all you need."
Holy Crap. So, I did it. I started at the Bar B Barn, I worked using French and English, I made great money and only got in trouble once, because I was free-pouring a whiskey. I ended up getting a ton of regulars and friends and meeting professional athletes. I met a cute guy named Francois and started up a fling..god he was beautiful...anyway..I digress.
The point of this whole diatribe, is that I am trying to get my head back into that space. I remember thinking "if I can dig myself out of this mess, I can so anything!" And I did.
I am now almost broke and as I mentioned in my last blog, Ottimista isn't really helping matters by taking away a shift. So, it's time to get humble again. Granted, it's much more difficult at 41, I'm feeling totally old and outdated compared to all of these young hipsters around here, but I decided to print a bunch of resume's and cast a wide net....who knows, maybe I just might catch something.
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