I didn't really think I'd be crawling into another monkey suit to make a living, but it's true. This is an image of my nighttime gear...for Izzy's. The daytime outfit, well is too rediculous to describe, let-alone find any photo. I'll have to do the job myself, but I'm too tired right now. Suffice to say, the "coat" I have to wear could be used in a feature on opium dens from 1860. In short, I'm "Hop Sing" from the long-running TV show "Bonanza."
So, not much to report, the holidays were a total blur, I worked and trained and trained and worked and Izzy's is still okay but I think I'm now not so popular since I am getting shifts and the people that were there before me aren't thrilled about it. Management likes me however, so I guess that's all that matters. And, of course, same at Betelnut. I got the schedule I wanted and some people don't like and that's too bad so I just have to toughen up and work. Can't make the same mistake I did last year, investing too much emotion into my jobs. It almost did me in.
Dad was able to make his way into the city for Christmas Day and we had a lovely lunch down on the Wharf. Then, Howie and I joined some of his friends for Christmas dinner and it was lovely. We've been spending a lot of time together, he really has become a great friend. I'm not sure how my life would have gone without him around these past few months, but it seems like I have a good mate for life, one who understands the lure of travel, who gets the restaurant industry and who is right in-line with me on all fronts political. He's a good egg.
Off to bed, I luckily only have my morning shift tomorrow so I can get some errands done after work and get some rest, as I have 3 doubles in a row this weekend. That's 12 hours my friends, with 15 minutes in-between jobs. Yippee!!!
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