First, we were inspected several times over the last few years and received scores in the 90's. Then all of the sudden, we drop to a 42. That simply means that the department had some serious malfunctions......... Secondly, we were told what to improve upon, worked our asses off to engage in such improvements and then got a 94! A hard-earned 94. No one bothered to mention this for quite some time and I think someone that works for us had to do it which compermises the integrity of YELP all-together.
On a personal note, some douche....oops, I mean dude named "Allan B." recently complained about the two "female bartenders" at Izzy's because we were discussing a tipping situation in front of other guests. While I would like to say that Mr. B. is absolutely correct in being offended and it is unprofessional to mention these matters aloud, what he failed to understand was that we weren't really complaining about the tippers but the SYSTEM which taxes us based on what we sell. So I have to pay the government every time someone buys something from me. In essence, if you buy $100 worth of food and drink from me, and don't tip, I pay 8% anyway, then I have to tip out, so I looooooooooooooose money. Furthermore "Allan" a bar is a different place than a table. We talk, and that is why people sit there. So, "Allan," the next time you want to complain, get your facts straight. And, "Allan," on behalf of all the "female bartenders" at Izzy's, you are MORE THAN WELCOME to only sit at the bar when ERIC is working. BE MY GUEST! DO IT! I BEG YOU! laters............
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