When One Door Closes...

I am going to get the heck outta dodge and head off to Scotland for a couple of weeks of R & R. Where else can one sit on their arse in a pub and watch the rain fall? Okay, maybe Seattle but I don't have any friends there and since I do have one who was kind enough to host my little mope-fest/convelescence, I thought "what the heck!" I went to Scotland two years ago, but never quite made it over to Glasgow. This is one of Europe's most populous cities, with an insane night life and even more insane people. Hopefully, I will be able to understand the dialect or "Glasweigan" as it is called, and get some of the live music scene under my belt. I have to remember to stay off my foot as much as possible and I'm thinking that the local pub and a few books will aide in my recovery. I will have access to a computer so hopefully I can dowload photos as I go. Otherwise, we'll have to wait until I get back. I leave tomorrow on Aer Lingus, the Irish airline, through Dublin and arrive Monday morning at 10:20 U.K. time. If I'm lucky, I'll spot Gerard Butler having a pint at his local and talk him into marrying me. Laters!!!

Drop me a line when you get back and I'll buy you a beer at Cafe Prague
Gina...we "sort of" know each other. Never met in person, but emailed back when you wrote that CC Times column. I'm the ad guy for Back Forty back when you hung in the bar there. Followed your last trip abroad and have checked in on your work travails from time to time. I was in Scotland when 9-11 occurred. Glad to hear you're there. Enjoy. You're on my desktop. I'll checkin occasionally. Jim.
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