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GYPSY: (noun) One inclined to a nomadic, unconventional way of life. The first time I traveled alone I was 4. My mom pinned a note to my dress then put me on a plane from Atlanta to L.A. to visit my dad for the summer. That must have marked the beginning of my insatiable wanderlust because I can't seem to get enough of running away from home. In the mean time, I've spent my life between a career in the media and years in the hospitality industry. My independence has kept me single but that's a part of life when your first love is travel. I've been robbed in Australia and slept on a park bench in Amsterdam, but at the end of the day, I was on the road and that's where I'm most at home.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Kafka once said of Prague, "It is like a dear mother, this little city, but this mother has claws." So true.

So, it is with great sadness that I leave my little home here in this amazing and sexy bohemian city. I love the Czech Republic and I love the Czechs...they are such sensitive, passionate people and i gurantee that I will be back one day.

I also realized that I am probably a crap travel writer because I don't really write about history, buildings, currency, geography...granted I inquire and know all about it, really. But I am just so much more interested in meeting people and understanding language, culture and attitudes that this is all I investigate. I would rather pay $3 for a beer and sit in the local pub than pay $3 for a museum tour, one that I could google. You can't google conversation or interaction. So, I guess I am just going to have to write my private journals and either write a fiction novel based on my experiences or just keep waiting tables every other year to save. Howeve, I will do my best to impart some of what I have learned in another post. The Budvar/Budweiser feud is a good one, along with The Velvet Revolution and aspects of Prague under communisim.


One of the funniest aspects of my experience here is observing the Czech men and their mating behavior. I've never seen such a type of posturing before, but these guys have this adorable swagger...they walk with such swing and almost dance when they talk to eachother. Then, when they attempt to communicate with women, well me, they swing their hips, put their hand on one hip, swing again and then sort of...wink! As if to say..."you want me, don't you?" I swear, I just start laughing. Then, it's kisses in the air, head swing. Or just a blatant, "hey, want to go with me somewhere?" Priceless. The other night Otto left me at the bar for about 5 minutes and the bartender jumped on the opportunity immediately and put a beer in front of me, offered me part of his spliff and then blew me a kiss. O came back and the guy says, "I just stole your girlfriend..." I said "I am not his girlfriend" and we all started laughing. That was that. He just wanted to steal me away. Rich! I've also had a crush on one of the barmen at Chateau since I started going there, he looks a lot like Guy Pierce, the Aussie actor. Anyway, I was walking down the street today and he runs up behind me and says "are you off for an afternoon stroll to go and have an afternoon beer?" I almost had a heart attack. So, Petre and I have a stroll and a chat and now I can leave because I have wanted to talk to him for 2 weeks. So cute, and yet, so Czech. He just talked all about himself and him this and he that and I thought "wow, he was much more iteresting when he just blew me kisses and served me beer! Hehehehe.


Last night I got my first taste of the gypsy element that permeates Europe. I was with some American students on Wencealas Square and one cute Czech boy who (was way too young for me, but cute...) and he is studying in the states and playing hockey. Anyway, I was sitting with Ondre, Tim and Josh and this scrappy dude in a pink shirt sits down and startes talking to us in some weired jibberish. Ondre says "oh yeah, he's a gypsy." Fair enough. The next thing I know, he is trying to rifle through my bag and I slapped his hand and said "if you guys don't tell this dude to make tracks, I am going to choke him." He was told to leave and good, because I REALLY would have choked him. I must be really careful in Italy because I hear that the gypsies will literally throw their baby at you and when you go to catch it, the other accomplice tries to rob you. Nifty! Not this girl!

So, it's my last time here at Bohemia Bagel, I picked up some supplies today and will go grab one more beer at Chateau, stare at the barmen for an hour or so, then head back to the A & O where I will pack and spend the rest of my night with Alex at the downstairs bar. I suppose I can breakdown and have an A bomb tonight. Must be done. Wow, I really shed a few tears today, but I am ready to get to Berlin and on with my journey. I will be back my dear readeres...mark my words right now.



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