Greece Pic's and Missing Busses...

Greetings all from Firenze! Thanks to one gorgeous babe named Emily Drucker and her fabulous camera, I was able to download some recent photos from GREECE! This was where I met several new loves of my life, including my new BFF Amber, Tracy the superguide of the century, and another 20 amazing people that I wont ever forget!
I can't believe how completely lame my posts have been, so sorry for that. Again, the computers in Italy are lackluster at best, expensive and hard to come by. In Greece, well, I'm sorry, not going to sit inside when the beach calls! Plus, when doing the Islands a la Busabout, it't basically "get your bags, get the bus, get the ferry..." Then, of course, there is tons of Mythos to drink, Flying Bananas to ride and Flaming Lambourghini's to consume!
Anyway, I am going to conquer Florence today and tomorrow, then off to either Cinque Terre or Nice, still up in the air.
OH! Funny story. In Siena, I was saying one last goodbye to the Piazza di Palio, and gave myself about an hour to get back to the bus. I took the citybus #10, which I had done for 2 days. HOWEVER! It was the wrong city bus #10 and I ended up in another town! With only 45 minutes to spare, I commandered a red Mazda with two dudes and begged them to take me back to Lo Stellino so I could get my bags and get on the BUS! Thank goodness I am in the land where men love women, because I didn't even have to dredge up the fake croco tears, although they were about to be real because had I missed the bus, I would have had to stay in Siena 2 more nights and while it is a stunner, Florence was calling! Ah, Italia. Speaking of, must get out of this dingy internet cafe and go stare and David's naughty bits! CIAO CIAO!!
Piccy's include, Yanni's bar in Paros with the gang...Ambuh, love of my life, Ambuh and Justin...hottie in training, me in my best camp outfit in Ios and Sunset in Mykonos! Thanks Em! You are a peach!
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