Life in Streatham and Beyond....

I am pleased to report that I am having a jolly time in London this go-around, as I have figured out the trains and tube, found a pub that sells lager for £1.75 and made friends with Raj, a dude that owns the dollar store around the corner just down from little Somalia here in Streatham. (I go in to buy cheap toilet paper and washing powder and when I present my own canvas bag, he likes to "charge me" .30p extra!) Ha! You know you have arrived when.....
Been also making a habit of buying all day travel cards so I can explore London like a little vagabond tourist. A couple of weeks ago, I went to Covent Garden on a Friday and managed to make it back to Streatham, as the last train from Victoria leaves around midnight, and let me tell you mate! You do NOT want to get stuck trying to find the right bus or paying £50 for a cab! The weekend after, I went on a proper outing with the girls and had a Sunday brunch at Vicki's house, the girl I roomed with this summer! Then, I went with Lisa Cullen to Islington up North, by the new Emerates Stadium, which houses Arsenal, one of the top Premiere League footy teams. We went to a proper pub with local fans and then to her house where I was treated to a Sunday dinner and the usual "what is wrong with the world and how should I solve all its problems" conversation.
I also visited my mate Penthouse Pete in Bournemouth last weekend, which is a seaside town on the Southern Coast. As we are both flat broke, he being house poor and me just being poor, we bought a flat of Carlsburg, watched DVD's, made pasta and walked along the cliffs just South of Poole. Lovely. Thanks Petey!
Bernie has made his way back from Ireland, and while he is going through Post Ireland Depression...(Something I will suffer when I go home...Post Europe Depression...) he is working with Dan Harris and his company I.T.@Home and hoping to make some more money so he can go back to Ireland and rejoin Ultan John in their quest to sign a record deal and tour.
Otherwise, he could moonlight as a chef, as I have never tasted such amazing Irish Stew in my entire life! Thanks Bers!
Also met another friend here in the neighborhood, Mr. Nick Smart (don't laugh it really is his name) and he lets me pop 'round his flat for tea, laundry and HOT showers! (Sorry Bers, your shower...well, you know. I just think it is haunted.)
Finally, will end my time in England going down to Southampton for a proper footy match, they are playing Birmingham and I CAN'T WAIT! YYYyeeeeeeehhhhhaaaaawwwwww!!!
God love my other mate Andy, spoiler rotten of all human-kind! Thanks mate, you rock!
Next week I hope to have a proper night out with the girls and boys and say goodbye London style to Europe and the most wonderful 8 months of my life. Ugh. Can't cry now, I still have 2 weeks left! Then, it's off to Florida to visit mom and Pignone clan, then home to SF where I will crash the CHOW Christmas party and try to actually find a god help me. laters...