
My Photo
Location: San Francisco, Northern Cali

GYPSY: (noun) One inclined to a nomadic, unconventional way of life. The first time I traveled alone I was 4. My mom pinned a note to my dress then put me on a plane from Atlanta to L.A. to visit my dad for the summer. That must have marked the beginning of my insatiable wanderlust because I can't seem to get enough of running away from home. In the mean time, I've spent my life between a career in the media and years in the hospitality industry. My independence has kept me single but that's a part of life when your first love is travel. I've been robbed in Australia and slept on a park bench in Amsterdam, but at the end of the day, I was on the road and that's where I'm most at home.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Days of Wine and Roses.....

are over.....
For now. Yep, worker G is back, in full regalia, days, night, working, saving, working. My life of temporary leisure has come to a screeching halt. So take a good long look at this relaxed, smiling girl and realize that you won't see her again for exactly one year. One Year.
Anyway, I am spending the next week or so in training and trying to figure out if Betelnut will be good for me. I wish I would have had the bollix to ask Melissa for brunches at Ottimista, because honestly they were really easy and I would have worked 2 days and made the same money that I will in 4 or 5 at Betel. Still, it's good for the rezzie and even if it doesn't work out, it was a good experience. Ta for now, must get to the notebook and study, even if my roommates are having a raucus fiesta out in the living room.
Loving Life, Izzys' and Howie at the mo. Oh yeah, must write about him and my Christmas dinner tomorrow. Hehehehehe. Fun stuff.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Last night was my second night training at Izzy's and it went off without a hitch. Sadly, I have to train for 3 more nights before I get on the floor and start making money. No big deal I guess, the new management wants to make sure the new people are up to scratch. Since I am the only new person, I guess that means me. No worries, I already have shifts the next two weekends, Friday and Saturday nights I am the closer. Fantastic! It was pretty dead last night and we still sold around $1600. I can't even imagine if it's busy. The food runner, Enrique, is a bulldog...literally. The dude can carry 5 plates at once. Insane. The kitchen guys are awesome, the line runs smoothly, they don't yell at us or try to make us feel retarded, like at some other places. (The Peasant and the Pear comes to mind...) This place is like Piatti in that regard, the line guys are heroes. The guy who trained me, Michael, couldn't have been sweeter. So patient, interesting, complimentary and mostly he trusted me to take care of his tables without hovering. The bartenders are totally cool, Bernie is hysterical and Adam is just a good-looking 20-something dude. Didnt' really bond with him yet. Joelle, a server who has been there for years, is so sweet, she actually talked to me when I went in for dinner and then ran up to me when I started with a hug and a "welcome." Robin, Steve and Tom round out the cast of characters for the blokes, and Emily and Lauren are sweet girls in their 20's, who actually asked me if I wanted to go out with them last night and hang. Wow. I still can't get that from Ottimista, which by the way, I get to say CIAO to today, as this brunch shift is my last. So, I will take advantage by eating a breakfast pizza at 50% off, and drinking a glass of Nicholas Feullette as my shift drink. Might as well sip the best as it's free. My plan for Izzy's is to try to stay under the radar with management, do my job, keep my sales high, my tables clean and my guests happy. The menu is so bloody easy, I have it memorized already. Another bonus is that I have tasted almost all of the wines on the list, so that is less work. By the time I start training at Betelnut, I will have finished training at Izzy's so my head won't be so chalkers full of info. Whew. I think Betelnut is going to be a little bit more intense on the training end, and the wine list is much more complex. However, since I will be working just lunches, I don't think it's going to be that much of a drama.

So, it's off to Ottimista to work with moody Lorraine today. Usually she's in a good state when she has been partying the night before and still has a buzz. If she is totally hungover, it will be a nightmare. Who cares, I'm outta there and off to where the people are nice to me. I've been scheduled to work tomorrow night and Monday night, Christmas Eve, at Izzy's so I can't make it out to my dad's for Christmas. That happened at the last minute so it looks like it will be a quite day here at the homestead for Chrissy. Not to worry, I remember living in Montreal and I was alone for Christmas and frankly it was glorious because Christmas sucks ass anyway...such a pain and bloated, stressful full-of-expectations crap-a-thon that I could skip for an eternity. I may just rent a couple of movies and go to the Bell Tower for dinner. Or better yet, buy some groceries and hunker down in my hovel, since the roomies will be off doing family crap. A nice little Christmas dinner with me and my new teddy bear sounds like a dream...because I assure you, once the new year rolls around there will be no more peace on my earth...only good will towards my bank account!

Friday, December 21, 2007

And the Winner Is...

WAIT! We have a tie!

After careful

consideration (which means I just want to cover my ass) I have decided to take on both places. By day, I will be wearing a funky Asian-inspired waiter coat that looks like it was designed for a re-make of Rin Tin Tin. Seriously right out of an opium den. Oh well. Money is money and this place rocks. For Izzy's, it's a penguin suit without the bow tie. White shirt, black vest, black slacks, and a men's necktie. So, the only chance of looking half-way cute is by doing up the hair and wearing make-up. Once I get more comfortable with the menu and the computer, I'll start chucking the contacts in and batting my eye-lashes around.

I started last night at Izzy's, and I'm still in shock thinking about the way I was treated. Some of these people have been there for 20 years, many of them at least 10 and most 2-5. It's quite nepotistic, the waiter gets his daughter a job as a hostess, she moves up to server and eventually bartender. So, it came as quite a shock to the entire crew that I walked-in off the street and immediately snagged a gig at one of the busiest and most popular joints in the city. It's kind of like an institution. Anyway, as opposed to Ottimista, these people welcomed me with open arms. Everyone was interested in me, where I come from, what I did before, etc. Even the cute little 20-something year-old girlies were totally sweet, complimenting me on getting the job and promising to help me find shifts, places to go, and offering help with whatever I need in the days to come. I'm the new kid on the block, and as opposed to being looked at like a total retard and treated like an imbecile, I walked on a red-carpet that had been laid out by the entire staff. The one caveat, is that the Sam, the owner, needed some investment help, so he harnessed a dude my age named Joe, to bring in some cash. Joe, in turn, brought in a "hammer" named Mark, who is an old-school GM...kind of corporate-y, like the Bobby McGee's managers. Probably my age or mid-40's, wears a suit, and throws up SOP memorandi faster than people order Izzy's au-gratin potatoes. It's no big deal for me, I haven't been around all these years to witness the inmates running the asylum. Apparently, in just the last 2-3 weeks, the hammer has come down and crap is hitting the fan. I'm cool with it, I just want to work. I'm cool with the rules, the SOP's, the changes in things...and of course, it's all proprietary so I can't mention I found out in SOP #4. Fair enough, I just want a job...a good job. A place where I can do my thing, make a little money, make some friends and continue my journey.

As for Betelnut, I start next Wednesday morning at 9:30. I haven't really mentioned that I am working at Izzy's yet, but since they are open for lunch, I'm hoping to do a Piatti type-thing and so lunches there and dinners at Izzy's. I have to start lunches at Betel anyway, so if I can get in and train, and they see how focused and serious I am, maybe I can just ask for lunches and they will be happy and I can do both and be loyal to MYSELF for a change.

Finally...Ottimista. Honestly, I really don't have too many hard feelings. I think they really don't know how to treat people, I think it reminds me of wait, actually JUNIOR high school. I did my best, sold my arse off, was good to the guests and tried to fit-in. Alas, it just didn't work out. There are really cool people over there and of course, I'll miss working with's fun to flirt with him while I work. But, he might be coming to Izzy's soon. Who knows.

He's another story.

That's it for now. I work again tonight, training with a guy who has been there for 20 years. It kind of reminds me of the Bar B Barn days...that was such a good gig and everyone was so nice to me there as well. It's like the beginning of something wonderful, I can just tell. I have to believe that 2008 is going to kick ass. In the mean-time, my last day at Otti is tomorrow, and I work with Lorraine, so I hope that it will be fun. This all depends on her mood, of course, but it could be another $150 in my pocket, or it could be a disaster. Doesn't really matter, it's only 5 more hours, a few bucks and a paycheck. And, that's really how I have to look at it anyway if I am going to re-build my media empire to bigger and better heights.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Be Careful What You Wish For...

After being paranoid and losing sleep all last week about getting screwed at Ottimista, applying for work and not getting called back, and a general preoccupation with my impending state of fiscal emergency, things may be looking up. I decided to take a long walk to the GGB, and meditate on my Montreal experience and turn to what usually helps me through these times of duress: trust the Universe. Seriously, it always provides. Sometimes, of course, it provides heartache, disappointment, fear, doubt, sadness and confusion. This is good. We have to experience this stuff so we appreciate the good times and remember that it's all about balance. I also think that these times of self-doubt HAVE to teach me just the opposite; not to doubt myself. After all, I have overcome a lot and also built a little tiny empire for myself. I am the empress of my destiny. Sure, the DUI has done my head in, but the tough part is almost over and while being on probation blows...seriously can't even jay-walk for 3 years...

I digress....

So, I pulled my head out of my arse last week and printed up a bunch of resume's. Now, I have to start by saying that I went to this new Kuleto property called Epic Roasthouse, per Howie's suggestion, on Friday December 7th to fill out an application.

Then, when I didn't hear back, I started the usual stalking procedures and nothing. Nada. Couldn't pay someone to call me back. I should point out that this operation is a two-restaurant extravaganza at Pier 26, right under the Bay Bridge. It's massive. Well, go to the website and check it out. It looks amazing but one could get lost in the shuffle.

Anyway, no one would call me back. So,back to the day I just threw the spaghetti at the wall and waited for something to stick. And stick it did. I realized then that personally dropping off resume's in a business suit will usually garner a response and that is just what happened. I was promised something from Izzy's Steakhouse right off the bat. Then, Betelnut called me for an interview and Patrick from Palmetto practically begged me to start right that instant. Then, to top it all off, Epic finally called me after almost 2 weeks for an interview that is scheduled for next week. Good Lord, that place is like Disneyland...huge, crazy and I would certainly be a number at best. It is, however, always good to start at a new place because everyone is on an even playing field. That said, I now have a big decision to make: Izzy's, Betelnut...Betelnut or Izzy's or both? Izzy's is only open at night and there will be virtually no training, but they are not on the computer system that I am used to (Aloha) and so it will be a bit of a pain at first. They are crazy busy and I will start making money right away...huge money. The check average per person is around $40 and that is being conservative. Betelnut is slammin' busy, insane. But, I have to wear a goofy outfit and put up with a lot of crap. Apparently the owner is a bit eccentric. If you want to know the truth, I would much prefer to work at Palmetto because we get to wear jeans and black shirts and white aprons and the computer system is Aloha and the people are super cool and there is no side work. It is, however, hit and miss when it comes to being busy. I hear the brunches are real busy.

Anyone in the industry would understand my pickle: I would be knee-deep in condiments at Izzy's and ankle deep in roll-up's at Betel. Sidework always blows and that was one thing about Piatti that I hated. That is corporate though. Ugh.

Still beggars can't be choosers and I need the money and a foray into the SF industry. Now, I have a few forays and need to decide this week. Maybe I should throw a dart at a wall and hope for the best.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Cuand Je Abitez Au........

It was about 16 years ago that I was living in Montreal, in a tiny flat on Rue Hutchison...right in the middle of the McGill Ghetto. I was 25 and working at the Bar-B-Barn rib joint, on Rue Guy, right down from the Old Forum. I can't believe it has been so long, but then again, I can't believe I'm 41 and in the exact same boat. (I also can't believe I look so young in this photo...It is my student ID from McGill)

See, once again I am starting over with nothing. It's not as dire as in 1991, when I had $5 Canadian to my name and was eating rice and beans. I had just left Freddy and had no job, no prospects and no friends. But, I had my freedom and the desire to make something of my life in what seemed an impossible situation. Going back to the states with my tail firmly tucked up under my legs, was NOT an option. So, I answered an ad in the Gazette, calling for a parking lot attendant at the Bar-B-Barn, a very popular rib joint that catered to the whole of the city, including all of the visiting hockey players playing the HABS on any given night. Even as the recession rolled-on and affected Quebec and the rest of Canada quite severely, the BBB still managed to pack 'em in day and night and I thought if I could just park cars and make some tips, I could dig myself out of the canyon and be on my way to saving myself from poverty and most of all, shame.

So, early that October morning, I put on my woolies, and headed off to Rue Guy, determined to talk my way into that gig and I wasn't going to take no for an answer.

I arrived first, and as I filled-out my application I noticed the line of other applicants forming. All dudes, they looked like they were applying as security for Celine Dion. Still determined, I waited for the interview and was greeted by none-other than the owner of the place. An English-speaking Jewish man from the East End, he sat down and just looked at me...then the application, then back at me. Yikes, it didn't look good.

"So, are you telling me that you are applying to be a parking lot attendant?"

"Um, yes and I think I am the best one for the job because I will work hard and do what ever-"

"Do you know what it's like to park cars in the snow?"

"Um, well no bu-"

"Do you know what it's like to park cars for angry know fights can break-out over cars!"

"Um, well..."

It wasn't looking good. And just as I was about to slither away and make a plane reservation to get outta Dodge, a miracle happened.

"So, what is your name....Gina?"


"It says here that you have bartending experience. Well, this is your lucky day, do you know why?

"Uh, well I think you are about to tell me."

"This is your lucky day for 2 reasons....One, I like have chutzpah. And two, our bartender just quit 2 days ago and so I am hiring you as a bartender and we are going to find a couple of serving shifts for you because I like you. It took a lot of moxy for you to come here today and try to park cars. So, you can eat for free until you start to make tips and you can wear your uniform for free and we will just take it out of your paycheck. Got it?"

I almost started crying. "My French isn't perfect..."

"Don't worry, I don't speak a word of it. And neither does most of the staff. Just know ribs, chicken, fries, beer. That's all you need."

Holy Crap. So, I did it. I started at the Bar B Barn, I worked using French and English, I made great money and only got in trouble once, because I was free-pouring a whiskey. I ended up getting a ton of regulars and friends and meeting professional athletes. I met a cute guy named Francois and started up a fling..god he was beautiful...anyway..I digress.

The point of this whole diatribe, is that I am trying to get my head back into that space. I remember thinking "if I can dig myself out of this mess, I can so anything!" And I did.

I am now almost broke and as I mentioned in my last blog, Ottimista isn't really helping matters by taking away a shift. So, it's time to get humble again. Granted, it's much more difficult at 41, I'm feeling totally old and outdated compared to all of these young hipsters around here, but I decided to print a bunch of resume's and cast a wide net....who knows, maybe I just might catch something.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Holidazed... first Christ-mas in San Francisco. I have to say it hasn't made me quite so annoyed this year, although my day out with Lola was bittersweet. See, it's a year ago this day, the 10th, that I came home from Europe. I tried not to think about it too much, there's really no point. I just have to think about the future and will myself to get back to normal and start traveling again. Wow, this year took so much out of me, sometimes I feel like I don't have anything left. But, hey, we all get that way...especially this time of year. I know I'm not the only one who went through it in 2007...and that at least makes me feel a little bit better about things. Only 20 more days until 2008...which will be my best year yet.

I decided to make it an annual tradition to meet Lori in the city for shopping, gossip and lunch. This was the first of many to come. We started out in Union Square, where we trolled for skin-care samples until we were completely annoyed at the pushy sales people in the make-up departments and decided just to admire all the beautiful clothing in the windows that I can't afford. Around 2, we headed up to Rose Pistola where darling Howard was working behind the bar, and treated us to a sip of champers and a chocolate cake for Lola's birthday. He didsn't know that she is allergic to chocolate, but it's cool because it was more for me and he didn't hesitate to help us finish! Yum. It was a really fun, relaxing day. We could have fun in a padded cell together...we always do! Happy Birthday Lola...

The rest of the holidays are kind of a drag because I lost a shift at work...don't know how that happened, I feel like I have been doing well there, my sales are high, the guests seem to like me and I haven't lit the place on fire yet. Rumor has it that one of the girls that used to work there needed some holiday money so I am the sacrifical lamb. Great. I just decided to make it my full-time job to get a full-time job. I put in a few applications this week, and haven't heard back from anyone. Reminds me of the Montreal days. I was down to my last $5 and eating rice and beans when I landed the Bar-B-Barn gig, which changed everything. I realized then that I can do anything. It gets a little harder as one gets older, but I can't give up. Just can't.

I still feel like I don't really fit in yet, and while my only friend here, Howie, is always calling to make sure that I am okay, he never really has time to hang out with me so I have been pretty lonely of late. I did meet a cool girl named Jenna and we are trying to find a time to hang out soon. My DUI classes are every Tuesday until March, and to be honest, they aren't so bad. The people are so cool there, and really understand what I am going through. I suppose I should get my arse in gear and blog that whole adventure. It really has changed my life and I am hoping that when all is said and done, it will be for the better.