About Me
- Name: the gypsy girl
- Location: San Francisco, Northern Cali
GYPSY: (noun) One inclined to a nomadic, unconventional way of life. The first time I traveled alone I was 4. My mom pinned a note to my dress then put me on a plane from Atlanta to L.A. to visit my dad for the summer. That must have marked the beginning of my insatiable wanderlust because I can't seem to get enough of running away from home. In the mean time, I've spent my life between a career in the media and years in the hospitality industry. My independence has kept me single but that's a part of life when your first love is travel. I've been robbed in Australia and slept on a park bench in Amsterdam, but at the end of the day, I was on the road and that's where I'm most at home.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Well, I wouldn't call myself Gandhi just yet. In fact, never, but my alter-ego "G-ho" is on hiatus for now. Believe it or not, this certified party girl has decided to live a life of celibacy, sobriety, and piety. hahahah, forget that last one, that'll never happen...but suffice to say the miles of running every morning have done something to my brain and I am a certified nerd. No boys at all (get up off the floor...) so I am about as sexually active as a condom in a nunnery. It's best for now, just on a break. It's not so much my crush on the beautiful one, it's just I am waiting for someone cool...I guess. As for the booze, I'm trying to lose the beer gut and the hangover isn't good for the running. Suffice to say, I'm getting strong and lean and by the time I hit the Playa, will be looking better than I have in a long time. I can't make any promises about kissing cute boys there, but I can at least say that it will be worth the wait! Still working like a crazy girl, in-between shifts right's been about a week since I've heard from Mr. "E" and I am convinced he likes to do this to make me insane. It's usually just about the time I am ready to give up on him that he contacts me. Little shit. Shit shit shit. It's okay, there are plenty of cute boys in Italy to play me. Off to study my italian...bed early tonight, after a long bath in lavender, sea salts and cream.. Ciao!
This picture was taken in Athens, just after I was scolded for taking photos of the chicken little near the what a beer gut! IT'S GONE NOW! YYEEHAAWWWWWW!!!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Going Mental
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................................Okay, I'm never going to gripe about being "too busy" because we all make decisions. I decided to work 6 days a week, to run 5 miles a day and to stick to my type "A-minus" personality. Me, all by myself. So, if I am tired or going crazy I have no one to hold responsible but myself. That said, I only have 41 more days until The Burn and in the big picture, it ain't that long. I have such an incredibly challenging week ahead of me, well, in my own mind, one that doesn't stop! I feel like I'm in finals everyday and it's a far cry from this time last year when I was trippin' down the road in the Tiergarten in Berlin, dancing to 50 trucks blasting electronica at the Love only responsibility was getting home...which I think I couldn't even manage. I can't wait to get back to that lifestyle! And, if I decide to come back and work again (of course so that I can travel...) then, i will be much better at it, as now I have the formula down!
(These images are of the Love Parade...random party-goers, the 3 Dutch guys I hung around with, Rolfe, my mowhawked cab driver and some gay dude who wanted a pic with me!)
Anyway, work is nuts...and I'm studying Italian in-between shifts which is fun, a lot is coming back to me but it will come flooding back, I'm sure, once I land on Italian soil. Speaking of, I am going to look into flight beginning of August, but likely will wait to buy my ticket in Sept, as the travel will be cheaper and I want to fly directly into Venice. I'm planning to leave between October 1 and 4, wish me luck!
For now, I just trudge along, my only thrill coming from random chats with "the beautiful one" and the final Harry Potter book, which is due out next week! The Order of the Phoenix was great, can't wait to see it again~
Ciao...for now.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Running Towards the Burn...

Just a quick update, as usual not much to report...plugging along with 46 more days until I stop working two jobs and hit the Playa with Lori and Luis...haven't been to Burning Man in 3 years...seems like longer. Last time I went alone like a retard, and was pretty miserable. I was trying to nurse a broken heart and thought by being a rebel and getting out there it would help...I ended up watching my birthday balloon blow away the minute I got in the gate and accidentally parked in the rave party arena so I never got any sleep. I did manage to meet an English girl named Emily (pictured with me) who was on her overseas experience and it in turn, re-inspired me to do the same. This is when I decided to get serious about travel again, and thus here I am.
Still running most mornings, I bought some new socks and switched to my trail shoes which have helped with ankle issues immensely. I'm also seeing a slow but steady decline in the beer belly and that inspires me even more. I run the Lafayette Reservoir twice, which in essence, is about 5 miles. I am still walking the steep hills, but I am hoping to run the entire thing by the end of the summer.
Off to work in a couple, I have 9 shifts now which seems to be enough. Have managed to chuck a fair amount of scrilla in the bank and am just working to buy some necessary items for Europe. I finally went for my eye exam and will get new glasses and contacts shortly. I also started my Italian refresher course yesterday and I'm happy about that. It's competing with Harry Potter at the mo, re-reading "The Half Blood Prince" so I can be up to snuff when "The Deathly Hallows" arrives on my doorstep July 21st! Yippee! Ciao!
Friday, July 06, 2007
The 4th...
I'm not one for most holidays as anyone of you who knows me well already...well, knows! Suffice to say, however, it doesn't take much for me to show up for free food and beer. So, I spent Independence Day in Danville, aka, a day in the life of the Stepfords, hanging out with 5000 children and the people I work with at the P & P. (Pictured are Rod and Natalie and their kids Zac and Zoe...I'm also with my long-time pal Heather!)
It was about 140 degrees Farenheit by 8 a.m. and never managed to cool down. The best part of the day was seeing Heather and Kris Peterson, who are as close to family as I have around here. I drank too much, ate too much and passed out around 7 p.m. Thursday was spend standing around work, as everyone was either hungover, out of town, or eating left-over BBQ. Last night was okay at work, and after a really good night's sleep and a 3- mile run, I feel better than ever. (It's way too hot out to run after 9 a.m. so I have to get up early if I want to do my usual 5 miles.) I'll do my best tomorrow, although it's longest day of the week. I close Piatti for lunch and then P & P for dinner. That's a mighty 12 hours, but usually is quite profitable. Let's hope! Today I went and got an eye-exam, new glasses and a prescription for contacts. Finally, I may look hip again. We'll see. Only 50 more days until Burning Man, and another 5 after that until my birthday. After that, just a few "I" dotting and "T" crossing and it's off to Italy. Bought a map today, and it's going on my wall SUBITO!!!! Ciao!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
This is going to be one of those mundane filler blogs, because I am trying to blog everyday, to stay in blogging shape for when things actually get interesting. Suffice to say, I am still working my little arse off, had a relatively good day for a Tuesday lunch shift, made a few bucks and ended up talking to a dude who is VP of Clear Channel. He was trying to suck me back into radio. He knows all about me, it's crazy. Dear God, don't let an offer come up right before I flee to Europe. No! No~ Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starting my Italian course this week. Also running the Rez a lot...and, going for my eye exam Friday, so no more dorky specs, and hello contacts!
Had a pretty good weekend money-wise, as I said I won the Cakebread Chard contest and still have yet to see the booty, although Rod did give me a $100 bill. Did a catering gig on Saturday night and dropped a few cards and a hint about organizing trips to Italy. Then, after I went to the Magnani/Wrenn compound and saw a bunch of CC Times Features peeps and got newly inspired to keep writing while I travel. Lynn Carey is convinced I am going to marry a gondolier and then write a novel based on the gondo memoirs. We'll see. Remember Lynn, they are not just Venetian, they are Italian...and therefore the world's biggest scoundrels. ( I am pictured here with Lynn...)
So, here I am, less than 3 months from leaving and I still want to leave now. I would, but there is Burning Man and money to save. I can't believe there is so much to do before I go! Tomorrow for the 4th, we are having a BBQ at work...the restaurant is closed so we can just hang out with eachother for a while...without working!!! Am going with Heather and Kris Peterson and will see Mel and John Phillips alon withg lots of drunk Danvillians making complete wankers of themselves. (Lame cougar-types as well! AACK!)
We start the Rombauer contest tonight. Wish me luck and come visit... Ciao!